MR Home Renovation vs Physical Home Renovation

June 10, 2022

Home renovation can be an exciting yet stressful process, especially when you're not sure how the final result will look like. That's where Mixed Reality (MR) comes in handy, allowing you to visualize the renovation plan before the actual construction work begins. In this blog post, we'll compare the benefits and drawbacks of MR home renovation versus Physical home renovation.

MR Home Renovation

Mixed Reality allows homeowners and contractors to create realistic 3D models of a renovation project. MR devices, such as the HoloLens, can blend virtual objects with the real world, making it possible to visualize potential changes without damaging the existing structures.

Benefits of MR Home Renovation


One of the primary benefits of using MR is convenience. Homeowners can easily create a 3D model of their house to visualize potential changes in real-time. Contractors can also use MR devices on-site, allowing them to identify potential issues or conflicts with the existing structures.

Saves Time and Money

MR home renovation saves both time and money. The 3D model makes it easier to identify design flaws before the actual construction work begins. Fixing these issues before construction can save a considerable amount of money and time.

Enhanced Collaboration

MR can improve collaboration between homeowners, contractors, and designers. The clients can use these devices to visualize their ideas, and the contractors can identify potential problems with the design.

Drawbacks of MR Home Renovation


The primary drawback of MR home renovation is the upfront cost of MR devices. MR headsets can cost several thousand dollars, which could be a significant investment for homeowners who only plan to use it for a single project.

Physical Home Renovation

Physical home renovation involves the traditional approach to home renovation, where contractors make changes to the existing structures manually.

Benefits of Physical Home Renovation

No Technical Experience Required

One of the primary benefits of physical home renovation is that homeowners don't need any technical experience to oversee the process. As long as you can communicate your ideas to the contractor, you don't need to have any specialized knowledge to get your home renovated.

Attractive Financing Options

Physical home renovation has many attractive financing options available for homeowners. Banks and lenders offer loans and other options that can make it easier for homeowners to get their dream renovation done.

Drawbacks of Physical Home Renovation

Limited Visualization

Physical home renovation limits visualization since homeowners have to rely on floor plans and blueprints to visualize the changes, which can be challenging for people who aren't accustomed to reading them.

Potential Design Flaws

Physical home renovation increases the risk of missed design flaws, which could lead to costly delays and rework after construction begins.


Mixed Reality home renovation and traditional physical home renovation methods have their benefits and drawbacks. While MR home renovation is significantly more expensive upfront, it can save homeowners time and money in the long run. Both methods have their place in the market and exist to serve different needs. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your budget, your renovation goals, and your level of technical knowledge.


  • Kacperczyk, S. (2021). 5 Benefits of Mixed Reality for Home Renovations. Next Reality.
  • Abley, M. (2021). 5 renovations that could add value to your home - and 5 to avoid. The Guardian.

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